ERPNext and Frappe HR compatible versions?

Hi, currently I am using below versions of ERPNext, Frappe Framework, Frappe HR versions. We are only using HR module at the moment. Firstly, do you think below versions are compatible with each other? Do you think I need to upgrade or downgrade any of these?

ERPNext: v14.56.0 (version-14)

Frappe Framework: v14.60.0 (version-14)

Frappe HR: v16.0.0-dev (develop)

If you are using frappe erpnext version 14, then the HRMS app must be in version 14.

reference: Error while viewing the published Blog post - #2 by NCP

@NCP What is the latest ERPNext version? Can I upgrade ERPNext to Match Frappe HR? Or downgrading Frappe HR is the only way? If I need to downgrade, will I lose all my customizations? I believe ERPNext and Frappe HR has version 15. How to match these versions given my current setup?

@bahaou @Jeel can you help? I dont find any issues with my ERPNext instance.