ERPNext API Authentication Error

    "exc_type": "AuthenticationError",
    "exc": "[\"Traceback (most recent call last):\\n  File \\\"/home/user/assignment/apps/frappe/frappe/\\\", line 59, in application\\n    frappe.api.validate_auth()\\n  File \\\"/home/user/assignment/apps/frappe/frappe/\\\", line 173, in validate_auth\\n    validate_auth_via_api_keys(authorization_header)\\n  File \\\"/home/user/assignment/apps/frappe/frappe/\\\", line 228, in validate_auth_via_api_keys\\n    validate_api_key_secret(api_key, api_secret, authorization_source)\\n  File \\\"/home/user/assignment/apps/frappe/frappe/\\\", line 244, in validate_api_key_secret\\n    doc_secret = frappe.utils.password.get_decrypted_password(doctype, doc, fieldname='api_secret')\\n  File \\\"/home/user/assignment/apps/frappe/frappe/utils/\\\", line 62, in get_decrypted_password\\n    frappe.throw(_(\\\"Password not found\\\"), frappe.AuthenticationError)\\n  File \\\"/home/user/assignment/apps/frappe/frappe/\\\", line 438, in throw\\n    msgprint(msg, raise_exception=exc, title=title, indicator='red', is_minimizable=is_minimizable, wide=wide, as_list=as_list)\\n  File \\\"/home/user/assignment/apps/frappe/frappe/\\\", line 417, in msgprint\\n    _raise_exception()\\n  File \\\"/home/user/assignment/apps/frappe/frappe/\\\", line 371, in _raise_exception\\n    raise raise_exception(msg)\\nfrappe.exceptions.AuthenticationError: Password not found\\n\"]",
    "_server_messages": "[\"{\\\"message\\\": \\\"Password not found\\\", \\\"indicator\\\": \\\"red\\\", \\\"raise_exception\\\": 1}\"]"

This is the error when i try get the api data which i had created, i have include authentication API key and secret, Can anyone please help with this

Please share your API so we can check whats wrong.

This is the API

how did you run the API?

using postman, url is

@Patel_Aasif Funny as we were just having this exact issue. Turns out that you need to pass the session id as part of your params in your GET request or you will get this error due to session timeout. To keep the session alive therefore, your sid needs to be included in every request after login to keep the session alive or NGINX will end the session and you will get the error you posted.

i face issue in the post request i used the erp next cloud where imports give error?