NEthserver 8 is an SMB LinuxServer That Aims to Simply How small Business Deploy and Manage their USers, MAil system as well as FileServer.
We Are Happy to Announce that we have Developed a OnceClick Installable ERPNExt Application for NEthserver 8, which should Provide you with Active Directory, a Mail server, A Samba AD File Server, as well as ERPNExt and other Solutions available on the Software Center.
The App IS Available On Github HEre: geniusdynamics/ns8-erp-next: ERPnext Module for Nethserver 8 (
And We HAve MAde the Announcement here ERPNEXT: The most agile ERP on the planet in NS8 - App - NethServer Community
For Any Users Having a Challenge Installing ERPNExt on their Linux Server, or Might BE having Challenges Using the Same server for ERPNExt as well as Requiring the Freedom to Host other Applications, here is a solution for you.