ERPNext Conference Europe 2017 [Confirmed for March 17-18]


yep… may attend…good idea…

Hi @dominik

I would be up for it depending on the date since I m often on the road…
Have you got a more narrow time frame in mind?

We could start with a dev workshop.

I think the Odoo community would definitely be interested, if we can spread the message


I will definitely give a try. I appreciate the efforts taking by @dominik

Kanhaiya Kale

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:+1: :vulcan:

I’m in Canada, but might be able to convince my company to send me over.

This is a great idea and could generate a lot of new users.

That would be great, please check when is CEBIT so we can attend that also in Hannover

@tara_antonius A good idea to tie it in to another big conference.

Yep ! Would be interesting ! But not only a developers’ conference ! There would be benefits into having a European communit getting to know each other …



The 2017 CeBIT in Hannover takes place
from Monday 20th March to Friday 24th March 2017

If hosting the ERPnext CE 2017 around CeBIT would be an option -
The possible dates could be the weekends of the
18th or 25th of March 2017
what do you think?

just fyi on Sunday 26th of March a Timeshift from CET to CEST is taking place at 2:00am where local time will be shifted to 3:00am

Our team is the midwest of the U.S.A. We would attend if it was in Frankfurt which has inexpensive flights from Chicago to Frankfurt. Our vote is Frankfurt.

Frankfurt is definetely the place in terms of accesability -
I think Hanover is just mentioned as that is where the CeBIT takes place which however is only mentioned to maybe find common grounds in terms of the date not the place

How about May? Does that work for everyone? It would be a nicer time to visit Germany too :slight_smile:

Would leave it to the community to decide!


@rmehta June even better …

My Vote is to have it adjacent to CEBIT, though I would be more interested in clubing it to June as it has Tour de France. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I don’t know about everyone preferences, but I think that CEBIT is not the best time for ERPNext Conference.
Is it true that Hanover in this time would be much more expensive for stay and organize conf? Is cost strong point not only for me?

OK, I was tried tell about Hanover, Cebit and ERPNext in the same time… no way. ERPNext would be get interesting by different path, not Cebit.

Alright guys. So I see that having it in the same time as CeBIT would make sense for a couple of international travelers. That would be in late March. I myself would prefer May but March is fine for me.

Having the conference in Hannover during CeBIT would be absolute madness. Frankfurt shouldn’t be affected and is a rather short high speed train ride from Hannover.

Maybe March 25th and March 26th would be ideal dates in Frankfurt.

for me personaly march would be best as we are very busy from mid April on
but however, depending on how quick we come to an agreement in terms of the date I might be able to free my self even in May

maybe we set up a poll to find out about date preferences and possible amount of attendees!?