Intrastat for European users

Hi I was just wondering if there are already European company’s using this?
I’m missing some features that are important for middle sized company’s.
One of them is making intrastat rapports / exports.


Yes!v There are many European Companies using our product. You can contact our service provider for getting help with the customizations. Please refer following link to our list of Service Providers.

Hope this helps.

Seems there is no valid service provider for my country. (Netherlands)
intelligentPro is not a registered company in NL.

I am developer for ESO Electronics (ESO Electronic – SMD Assembly PCBA Express Service ) that we migrating to ERPnext this month. We are in the final step customize ERPnext for our needs.
We are also organize ERPNext Conference Europe 2017 [Confirmed for March 17-18] - #8 by slawekk

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There are several users in NL…

I prepare the 3 monthly VAT declaration including purchases in Germany (BTW Verlegd, VAt reverse charge)

For the Intrastat system, the customs authorities provide the national authorities with statistics on dispatches and arrivals of goods. Member states then transmit their data to Eurostat on a monthly basis, generally within 40 days.[10] The national authorities collect the following data:

the identification number allocated to the party responsible for providing information;
the reference period;
the flow (arrival, dispatch);
the commodity;
the value of the goods;
the quantity of the goods;
the partner Member State;
the nature of the transaction.

This information should be relatively easy to derive from the system

There are several things which I’m missing for the ERP.

  • Intrastat
  • e-invoicing
  • connection with the TAX office (Belastingdienst)
  • SEPA file export

And the what would be nice ones :slight_smile:

  • VOIP / Asterisk plugin
  • / plugin
  • connection with DHL / TNT / UPS (transporters :))

Hello, I have a development center in Poland and do work in NL. If you’d like to discuss your needs perhaps we can discuss them with our developer. I am traveling back to Europe at the end of the month and may make a stop in AMS. If you’re interested perhaps we can meet up?
