Hi to all,
I install the bench in developer mode, following the instruction, than I follow the video where it’s explained how to create first app and start our bench
It seems all working, but when i complete the setup, in the web page appare SETUP FAILED Could not start up: Error in Setup Retry.
Where can i see the log to understand where is the error? Or if anyone has some idea about the possible error please can help me?
Then I login with the new user frappe, change keyboard and account language to italian. After that i go to the folder /home/frappe/frappe-bench , I didnt’ create a new site this time (like in the you tube example) but i tried to load the deafault site site1.local.
I modify the site_config.json in folder site1.local, adding the developer_mode attribute like that:
using the url http://localhost:8000 the login page is opened.
After that I follow the setup wizard a loading page with this message is shown.
It remain in this state for some seconds after that the error page is loaded
After rebooting and after 2/3 stop a start bench the setup is end with positive result, but sincerely I don’t understand what was in wrong before, because I don’t modify anything.
At this point I have a question, if I create a new site, when a launch the command bench start it will start both of them?
I mean I create the meeting.dev site as suggested in the youtube video, but when I execute bench start. The site localhost:8000 it works and I can directly login, instead if I write in the browser http://meeting.dev:800
All bench commands should be run from within the /home/frappe/frappe-bench folder. I have not seen the tutorial video you mention but you are probably best to delete site1.local with bench --site site1.local drop-site
This will deletes the site and related database. Then create a fresh version with bench --site site1.local new-site bench --site site1.local install-app erpnext bench use site1.local
You should now be able to reload browser and the install wizard should appear.
All websites live in /home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites