I installed ERPNext Docker
and now I’ve 3 Containers
1- erpnext-app (contain frappe-bench)
2- erpnext-db (contain Mariadb)
3- erpnext-redis (contain Redis)
I publish in a domain and it works fine, but I figure out there is an issue with a permission or something I don’t understand
here is an image explain my issue
Clear the cache volume and deploy again.
← sdfateh:Remove-redis-cache-volume
opened 05:41PM - 25 Jan 25 UTC
### Details of the Change:
This pull request addresses an issue where the ass… ets.json file, now stored in Redis by Frappe, persists across new image builds due to the Redis cache volume being persistent. This prevents updates to assets.json from being reflected after a new build.
The proposed change removes the persistent volume for redis-cache, ensuring that the cache, including assets.json, is cleared during each new image deployment.
### Problem Solved:
By removing the persistent Redis volume, we prevent outdated assets.json data from being retained, ensuring the application always works with the latest assets after a build. This eliminates the need for manual intervention or additional automation to clear the cache.
Retaining the old assets.json file will cause the websites to miss certain assets:

### Why is This Necessary?
Without this change, developers or pipelines must manually clear the assets.json value from Redis or automate the process using additional scripts or hooks. Removing the persistent volume simplifies the process and avoids potential misconfigurations.
This PR was inspired by @ankush's comment on the issue https://github.com/frappe/frappe/issues/29901 , as he correctly pointed out that there is no need to persist in this volume.
Thanks for helping
it is not working because I’m not using Docker Compose
could please tell me how to solve it in my case?
Then have you checked the permission of that folder and check the user has permission to able to access and try bench build in inside container shell
Do not execute this inside container.
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