ERPnext for Creative Agency

Is ERPnext suitable for a creative agency? We don’t need warehouse management, for example… we just need an easy integrated tool to manage processes from price quotations to task management to invoices…

Hi, you can use the project management module with tasks and timesheet for costing.

u can cut off warehousing by leaving the “Maintain Stock” checkerbox unchecked for the Items/Products (service items In your case mainly I assume) u will be creating. By default "Maintain Stock Option is checked, so you have to make sure it is actively unchecked.

Like this you go through sales cycles like Quotation > Sales Order > Sales Invoice > Payment > delivery without being dependent on any sort of warehouse settings. I suggest you get yourself a testing instance installed (ot take the trial on and go through the Sales cycle with some test items and customers to see what sort of workflow may be a good fit for u.

There are some Documents which are mandatory (Sales Invoice, Payment, Delivery Note) while others are optional (Sales Order, or Quotation).