I have a problem setting up ERPNext for my company. I’ve created a product, i’ve unchecked “Keep stock” and i’ve set “Is Sales item” and “Is Service item”. Default income account i’ve left it default, Sales-VBS and Default Selling Cost Center as well, Main-VBS.
What I don’t understand is why this is shown when I click on Payment button from an invoice, in the account table I see 2 entries :
1 Debtors - VBS lei 4,556.50(credit) VBS00001
2 Cash - VBS lei 4,556.50(debit)
and the main problem, why the balance is twice the amount of the invoice?
Another issue, but this is only annoying, I can live with it if it’s not possible; can I disable the “Delivery” functionality? More exactly the alerts that are shown because the delivery wasn’t made.
Thank you,