erpNext login page looks confuse

I use ubuntu server 24LTS and hade installed frappe/docker with the pwd.yml and it was running fine. Until todaz i saw the new erpnext 15.48.0 so i uninstalled all docker container pruned and removed it all, then i pulled the git main to get the new updates… and used “docker-compose -f pwd.yml up -d” to get create the container new. then i tryed to access the webpage over port 8080 and the login page looks like follow:

i removed the container and reinitialized the docker pwd.yml 3 times. and got the same strange loin page. May some one facing the same issue o can give me a hint waths is going wrong?

Many thanks

I have just solved this issue with frappe and erpnext update.

@ Zaryabqureshi i have deleted the cloned git repository and re cloned it… now everything is working fine !
Many thanks!

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This is due to asset were not build properly. Try these it will work at any stage

  1. Hard Refresh Ctr +Shift +R
  2. Restart Bench
  3. bench build
  4. At last run this command

sudo chmod -R u+rwx ./

i would say, fist reset the access right if there is something wrong, second bench build, thirth bench restart, than check with browser if is working fine… but thanks anyway. I got it. :ok_hand: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

i running multible instance of erpnext: two on ubuntu server one of them in docker… and one without docker. should i or can i use bench commands directly in docker container? or should i use the compose file? i dont have figure out how to use docker exactly as i am realy new in this enviroment :sweat_smile: :innocent:
Somehow, I find docker makes everything complicated.