ERPNEXT New Install Error

Hello, I recently have installed Erpnext on contabo server and then copied public and private files from my old server (frappe cloud).
I am getting a few errors and issues
Whenever I log in I get this v

None of the modules have the list of doctypes v

There a no settings v

and a few other
All these things are working in the old system.
How do I solve this?
Thanks in advance!


It may help to say what versions were on the old and new servers, the operating systems on each and the steps taken to perform the transfer.

This is due to ERPNext Version is not Match with Frappe. As I found that this has been happened due to ERPNext was Version-13-beta and Frappe was develop.

below command has resolved issue.

sudo bench switch-to-branch version-13-beta frappe erpnext --upgrade
bench update --patch && bench update
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