ERPNext on DigitalOcean 16.04.4 clean install

I created a fresh droplet on DigtialOcean 16.04.4 and then ran:
sudo python --production

The install script gets stuck at:
TASK [bench : python2 bench init for production] ***********************************************

I tried this both as root as well as a user with sudo privleges.
I want to setup a production instance that can then be accessed via a domain.

if you in root then just try pythin --production --user frappe
to access it via domain then you need to try some command like
bench config dns_multitenant on

you should configure your registrar like godaddy add dns nameserver in dns manager it will point to your server then
your bench site-name should be same or you need to configure in nginx.

you can rename your site using this command mv site1.local your_domain_name

then try
bench setup nginx
sudo service nginx reload

your current_site.txt should be empty.

some link: