ERPNext on k8s, helm cannot find template when using "helm template"

I’m following the guide here: helm/ at main · frappe/helm · GitHub

The ERPNext chart was successfully deployed on a k3s single node cluster.

When I try this section: helm/ at main · frappe/helm · GitHub

With the following:

helm template frappe-bench -n erpnext frappe/erpnext -f custom-values.yaml -s templates/job-create-site.yaml > create-new-site-job.yaml

It returned an error:

Error: could not find template templates/job-create-site.yaml in chart

I was able to locate HELM_CACHE_HOME by using helm env. After the file (erpnext-4.0.41.tgz) was decompressed, I can locate the yaml file.

Strangely, this doesn’t apply to the following command:

helm template frappe-bench -n erpnext frappe/erpnext -f custom-values.yaml -s templates/ingress.yaml > ingress.yaml

I tried some other yaml files, it seems alphabetically from letter S, all the template files could not be found by helm.

I’m stuck here, would you please help!

please share you custom-values.yaml

jobs.createSite.enabled need to be set to true in custom-values.yaml files.

refer helm/ at main · frappe/helm · GitHub

Thank you very much. That solved it.

Indeed, the enabled field was set to false.