ERPNext on Wikipedia

Hello Community,

It will be great if some of you can take time and update the ERPNext page on Wikipedia. Since we have a conflict of interest, we cannot do it ourselves.

Suggestion of things to add:

1. Winner of BOSSIE Award 2013 (gives credibility)

2. Add GitHub Link

3. Update general description, list of modules. remove wanted sections and links.

4. Release history

Wikipedia mods are very strict about the language, so please keep it brief, informative and non-commercial add citations where-ever you can.





If you are posting an issue,

  1. We should be able to replicate it at our end. So please give us as much information as you can. Please see it from the point of view of the person receiving the communication.
  2. Paste your code at or and send only the URL via email
  3. For sending images, use or other similar services. Do not send images as attachments. Links are good. Same goes for any file you are going to send.


    End of Note

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