ERPNext process flow want to achieve

Good Day

To All,

Requesting for your kind assistance, if the below pictures process is can achieve using ERPNext and what modules are needed to enable … the requester is internal means i need to register the people who need a material and the approver are our bosses

Thank You in advance and More Power

Hello @sinichi19
You will need to set custom Workflow on the Material Request DocType to set approval process
Rest all seems standard Buying Cycle in ERPNext

means is possible and can achieve the process flow… and sir only the Buying module i need to enable?

Yes it is possible.

Depends on what you want to track, if you want to track Inventory, then you will need to enable that as well.
By enabling, do you mean User Permissions? Because by default all modules are enabled in ERPNext, there is no separate enable/disable option for each module

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Thank you for clarification will try to install ERPNext now for testing…
And sir Im looking for easy install tutorial using Ubuntu 18.04 because i encountered an error when I install in ubuntu 18.04 but in 16.04 I installed sucessfully

Thank You for your kind assistance sir @Manan_Shah

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Follow these two link for an easy tutorial for installation of erpnext

  1. GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
  2. The Hitchhiker's Guide to Installing Frappe on Linux · frappe/frappe Wiki · GitHub