ERPNext Question Only Before to Install

Hello and Good Day,

I’m new here and I want to use and test the ERPNext for Purchasing and Inventory my question is if I install the community edition or (Open Source) if there is limitation of features or anything, like number of companies, users, assets, etc…

Or 100% free without limitation of features?

Thank you and more power,


There are no limitations none what so ever

Thank You Sir @Eli for the verification


there is no such thing as a community edition. Just ERPNext, same for everyone.

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Looks like you have been to Odoo world before. Welcome to ERPNext, totally open source, totally free and totally limitless.


Thank You sir @vrms and @Muzzy
Nope, im not from odoo but I also review that but after reading some blog and forum and observed the community I choosed to test and evaluate the ERPNext because lot of good reviews and comments.

Please allow me to ask another question, erpnext is compatible in ubuntu18.04? and if there is official installation guide for 18.04,
Or ubuntu 16.04 is the official and recommended version?

Thank you and more power

Most installations are on Ubuntu 16.04 or Centos 7. but 18.04 works too.

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Check this…

Linux: Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS are the preferred distros and are well tested.

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Thank you,

Using virtual box for production use is ok? Or i need to install in main computer ?

Sorry if i have many question,

Thank you

For testing you can use VM. For production go for virtual server. Try Digital Ocean or Vultr. Recommend to use Ubuntu 17. Had faced minor issues with 18.

With easy install script you would be up and running in 30 minutes.

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If you’re opting for cloud you can also consider visiting Using their service will take away all your setup and maintenance problems.


Thank you for the advised sir, will try in ubuntu17
More power

any sort of virtual environment is generally preferable to a bare metal installation in my eyes. Mainly due to the ability to snapshot your entire system. My personal favorite would be a Linux Container (LXD). I’d choose ubuntu 18.04 because it’s very common and likewise easy to get feddboach in case you run into any trouble (but that as well is my personal preference).

don’t do that. Go for a LTS version (18.04) or maybe debian 9. You do not want the challenge of upgrading your operating system too often.

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Wow i love the community now, there so many options and opinions and thats great, thank you sir @vrms

Honestly I also new in ubuntu system and im not a developer guy, i put up server using ubuntu using the installation guide of the system thats why like me the documentations of the system is very important,

Again thank you

I recommend debian 9.x if you are doing a custom install, otherwise just get the production VM

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for starters you might be better off not to expose your ERPNext instance to the public internet (and likewise not use a cloud server as suggested before) but only access it on your local network.

If this is not sufficient you might be better off with a hosted instance on or other hosting providers. There is a little more to running a linux server safely open in the wild then getting through the installation routine (which is fairly easy) of ERPNext.

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