ERPNext refusing connection

Hi everyone, i’m new to erpnext. I had installed the erpnext, the installation was successful. The bench setup wizard had already completed too.

But i’m facing some problem, sometimes, the erpnext seems to refusing connection(tcp_error). It always happen after i’m using the erpnext for a while (half an hour or one hour). Sometimes i had to restart the server to get it working again, sometimes it’ll start working on it’s own after 10 minutes.

Any idea?

Hi @stephensynanta16,

maybe some more details (develop or production, OS, …) could help for a more qualified answer. Out of the blue, have you checked fail2ban? Try disabling it using

 sudo service fail2ban stop

and check if the error goes away. In case this was the issue, check the log files and adapt the jail. Hope this helps.

It’s erpnext production, Ubuntu 16.04, Server spec: 1 core, 2gb ram.

I’ll try those solution, thank you very much.

@stephensynanta16 did it work?
because i’m having the same problem but only in desktop, mobile works fine