ERPNext Translator Portal is not working

I’ve been attempting to contribute to the translation and correction of ERPNext. Despite multiple attempts at logging into the ERPNext translator portal, I have been unsuccessful. Could a member of the Frappe staff assist me in resolving this issue?

try remove s form the url http://

Thanks @manal_erpnext for your reply and support.

I tried to do as you said and its redirect me again to https://

click in ** Advanced ** button

I didn’t get you. were advanced located. try this

Open the Incognito window Ctrl+Shift+ N, then open the URL.

i tried it the same issue

Click on Proceed to …

above link, sometime does not show in the normal window, but it worked on the Incognito window.

that’s right thanks
the steps like these:



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Many thanks @NCP & @manal_erpnext

I was able to access the site, but encountered an issue with user creation. It appears that the site is not fully functional, which may explain the incomplete and poor Arabic translation of the ERPNext.

Screenshot 2024-05-16 154230