Erpnext.utils.map_current_doc not linking all the source docs


I have copied Project DocType and renamed it to my custom App. It is working good with required custom fields. I have mapped the DocType with Sales Order so that Sales Orders could be made from Multiple Project (renamed as ‘Program’ for this example) DocTypes:

In client Script;

frappe.ui.form.on("Sales Order", {
	refresh: function(frm) {
		if (frm.doc.docstatus === 0) {
        function () {
            method: "merchandising.custom.program.make_sales_order",
						source_doctype: "Program",
						target: frm,
						setters: [
								label: "Customer",
								fieldname: "customer",
								fieldtype: "Link",
								options: "Customer",
								default: frm.doc.customer || undefined,
						get_query_filters: {
      __("Get Items From")

And in custom App:

import frappe
from frappe.model.mapper import get_mapped_doc

def make_sales_order(source_name, target_doc=None):
	doclist = get_mapped_doc(
			"Program": {
				"doctype": "Sales Order",
				"field_map": {
					"customer": "customer",
			"Program Item": {
				"doctype": "Sales Order Item",
				"field_map": {
					"name": "program_item",
					"program_item": "sales_order_item",
					"parent": "program",
					"item_no": "item_code",
					"item_name": "item_name",
					"uom": "uom",
					"po_qty": "qty",

	doclist.set_onload("load_after_mapping", False)
	return doclist

It is mapping and importing the DocType including child table:

However, it is only linking the first ‘Program’ Doctype in the series and not the all I imported. For example, I imported 2 Documents as MP-0002 and MP-0003 but linking and showing the first one MP-0002 only.

Can anyone tell why it is happening? I will highly appreciate any clue.

Again, what could be the possible reason to not linking all the source docs except the first one? Any advice? Thanks.