ERPNext v12 to v14 Upgrade - Stock Discrepancy with Year-End Report

Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out to the community for some guidance regarding a stock discrepancy issue we’re facing after upgrading ERPNext.


  • We used ERPNext v12 for several years without running the scheduler, meaning stock revaluation wasn’t happening.
  • Recently, we upgraded to v14 and enabled the scheduler, including item revaluation.


  • The item revaluation process in v14 has updated item and stock rates, causing a discrepancy with the values used in our year-end report prepared before enabling the scheduler.

Current Situation:

  • We have two sets of values:
    • The one used in the year-end report (potentially outdated).
    • The current, revalued rates in ERPNext.


  1. Recommended Approach: What’s the best way to reconcile this discrepancy while maintaining accurate financial records and complying with accounting standards?
  • Is stock reconciliation the most suitable solution in this case?
  • Are there any alternative approaches to consider?
  1. Data Integrity: When performing a stock reconciliation (if recommended), how can we ensure the adjustments maintain data integrity within ERPNext?

Any insights or suggestions based on similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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