I set the landing page to home at the website setting page. Where can I set up the home page content?
I set the landing page to home at the website setting page. Where can I set up the home page content?
I believe this has been broken for some time when the webshop app is installed. If you have installed it, uninstalling webshop from your site should restore your homepage to a functional state.
Please go to the homepage and share the console error.
Here is the console error.
Yes, I installed the webshop. I need to use this moudle.
Thanks for letting us about the issue, Issue has been fixed, so please check it.
Upgrade your version and check it.
Sorry, after run bench update, It is still not working.
which version do you use? please share the version because we tested in locally and frappe cloud side so it’s working properly.
did you migrate the site and build app?
bench --site your-sitename.com migrate
bench build --force
Your webshop version is set to develop, and your Frappe and ERPNext versions are 15. Please install webshop version 15, as it has a compatible branch for version 15.
We are also facing the similar problem…
could you find a solution to the problem???
We are having the same problem…
is there something to do with pytnon???
one of instance is on ubuntu 22.04 server and wrorking fine…
however the setup on ubuntu 24.04 server is having this problem…
These three fields are not set on the homepage, which is why this error is showing.
So please run the code from the bench console or system console.
if not frappe.db.exists("Custom Field", {"fieldname": "products", "dt": "Homepage"}):
custom_field_data = [
"fieldname": "products_section_break",
"label": "Products",
"fieldtype": "Section Break",
"insert_after": "hero_section",
"dt": "Homepage",
"is_system_generated": 1
"fieldname": "products_url",
"label": "URL for All Products",
"fieldtype": "Data",
"insert_after": "products_section_break",
"dt": "Homepage",
"is_system_generated": 1
"fieldname": "products",
"label": "Products",
"fieldtype": "Table",
"insert_after": "products_url",
"options": "Homepage Featured Product",
"dt": "Homepage",
"is_system_generated": 1
for field in custom_field_data:
"doctype": "Custom Field",
@NCP I tried to run the provided code from bench console. but it doesn’t make any difference on Homepage. once we uninstall the webshop app from our site, them homepage works perfectly…
as soon as we install the webshop app, all the fields on Homepage disappear.
can you help us in getting back the functional Homepage, please??
It’s a field issue. If three fields are not available, you will encounter problems, so please insert it manually to resolve your issue.
Even if it is a field issue, the field issue is caused by a code issue. This is demonstrable by creating a new frappe instance with a new site. In this scenario, the Homepage works fine. Then, install webshop into the site and the Homepage breaks. If there are missing fields, then it’s because webshop is not supplying them.