ERPNext v9 online POS needs urgent attention, not production-ready

A few things need to be fixed on the POS in v9

@bkm @ganas pls your inputs on this


  1. Automatic Submission: Cashier is scanning items and suddenly the screen freezes for say 5 seconds and when it returns the sale is SUBMITTED automatically, no tender screen, no submit confirmation! This means remaining items have to be done on a new invoice.
  2. Many times, at random, the + and - signs to increase quantity do not work and quantity doesn’t change, using the text box to set the quantity also doesn’t work, this occurs especially when there are more than 5 items in the grid, setting an item to zero does not delete it, the pos page needs to be reloaded to make progress, essentially; she restarts scanning customer’s items, serious issue!
  3. The total for scanned items may not update on adding or removing items, page needs to be reloaded. Removing an item may not trigger the cart total to recalculate
    4.POS may add the same item multiple times, as unique line items. essentially its erratic sometimes

example. observe the last 2 items, same item entered twice on a sales invoice, not as qty of 2 but as 2 unique items; increasing the total. There is something basically wrong with the code, I believe its easy to fix and should be given attention. Sadly but truthfully speaking, this is not ready for business. I may just update their balances and roll back to v6 until this is sorted.