Vitualbox server is up and running but I am unable to see anything on localhost:8080
Please provide possible solutions as it is year closing time
@Anshul_Jain, if you are looking at localhost:8080 on your local machine you will not see anything. You need to check the IP number of the Virtualbox and point your browser to that IP. See this thread to set it up properly
In that case the other backups also shouldn’t have worked.
Not sure what you are referring to, backups are done on the Virtual Machine, they have nothing to do with the address you are using to access the Virtual Machine.
Go to your Virtual Machine Terminal, type “ifconfig” and record the IP number, not the on lo but the IP number on eth0, use that IP number to access your virtual machine
It should look like this
By backup I mean clone of image I had created few months back.
This should help
In your Virtual Machine Settings under Network, is it set to NAT or Bridged Adapter? if its on NAT or any other shutdown your VM and change it to Bridged Adapter then start your VM and you should be able to see the IP address to connect
Says erpnext (my username here) not allowed to execute
It is set to bridged adapter.