Erpnext Web Site Sub Product Group listing problem


After adding a new product group, the product will redirect to the contact page in the new product group.

For Ex:

Main item group “Products” > Child item group “Skirt”

When we assign the demo product to the skirt group, the product is displayed on the website but when we click on the skirt link the contact page opens. The problem disappears when we import the demo product into the main product group. But there is no product found in the skirt category. Even if we set the skirt category as the main category, the problem continues.

I guess you need to make template of Skirt and then add variations. So when skirt is clicked user will get actual product under skirt example colour, length etc.

I discovered something about it. If the product is not in stock, it leads the category to the contact page. When the stock entry is made, the product sub-category is active. If there is no stock entry for a product, the product will be redirected without any product listing. Subcategory is active even if there is a stock entry in a single product. I think this needs to be fixed.

The default I know is that it will state Out Of Stock or something similar. Not aware of it being redirected. Check your weblink.