ERPNext - WhatsApp Twilio Rest API

Hey hey,
So I am trying to figure out how I can get this WhatsApp messaging from Twilio working with ERPNExt through rest api

So far, after a couple of hours of reading, I came up with absolutely no idea how to accomplish it.

The only REST api information on frappe is quite limited … or maybe my mind is limited on the matter.

Anyone has managed to make this happen previously ?

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Hello @Iulian_Olaru we already are developing the Whatsapp integration through Twilio ([New Feature][Sponsored] Integrate Whatsapp for business · Issue #19196 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub).

Soon we will make a PR with the changes.

If you have any query send us an inbox message (@froldan @Nahuel_Nso @federico_calvo) .


True we are doing that already.

I am actually looking at a separate concept where I establish some private implementations with Twilio … curious if anyone has had this done previously.

Example: I need a message to be sent on WhatsApp at a specific time on a specific date with a specific event field to a specific Lead linked into a specific Event.

Sounds complicated ? haha