Followed the following two links but no success, kindly suggest:
I am facing same issue
Dropbox have chenged API’s.
For latest setup instructions
Invalid redirect_uri. When response_type=code, only localhost URIs can start with “http://”; all others must start with “https://”.
I’m having this problem with both Dropbox and Google social login integration. They seem related in that my site is served over https, but I get these errors saying invalid uri.
Is there a site setting hidden somewhere that I’ve missed that let’s ERPNext know I’m serving over https and not http?
I’m using a slightly modified erpnext-docker-debian that’s running ERPNext: v10.1.23 (master); Frappe Framework: v10.1.23 (master).
Are you aware of existing bug reports for this? I’ve not found any after some searching.
I’ve fixed both of these issues in my installation:
bench set-url-root
You just fixed like half a dozen things for me. Thank you!
worked like a charm