Why is my erpnext (v15.27.6) throwing error 404 after I refresh the browser in form view, data view, and print view with saved data? I tried it on another server also with older erpnext (v14.8) but it works fine.
Share the screenshot and share the error from the console log and paste it here. because everything is working fine. No problems were encountered in the latest versions 14 and 15.
Thanks for your response, this is my access log from apache2
*Here's when data loaded by clicking data In list view and success loaded* 👉 - - [24/Jul/2024:18:37:57 +0700] "GET /api/method/frappe.desk.form.load.getdoc?doctype=Delivery%20Order%20Manual&name=DOM%2FSHI%2F2024%2F0000&_=1721821067502 HTTP/1.1" 200 2219
*Here's when browser been refreshed in form view and throw the error* 👉 - - [24/Jul/2024:18:38:00 +0700] "GET /app/delivery-order-manual/DOM%2FSHI%2F2024%2F0000 HTTP/1.1" 404 196 - - [24/Jul/2024:18:38:51 +0700] "-" 408
And this is the capture when I try to refresh it, I think the not found page not showing like v14 version too