Error can not find group "All Item Groups" when configuring woocommerce in erpnext v11 when using the language is different from English

Test in:
WordPress 4.9.3
Woocomerce Versión 3.2.5
ERPNext v11

After entering the API data (url, password, secret) of woocomerce in ERPNEXT, show an indicated error that it is not possible to find the group of articles: “All Item Groups”.

I have reviewed in BD and I realize that the groups of articles are translated, therefore there is a validation in ERPNEXT code that compares with “All Item Groups” and as it does not find it can not save the configuration.

See current groups:
select name, parent, parentfield, parenttype, is_group, parenttype, idx, item_group_name, parent_item_group from tabItem Group;

SQL script to update the article group name for woocomerce for the Spanish language(In the case of other languages, check according to name of the group of the selection of the previous point):

update tabItem Group set name = “All Item Groups” where name = “Todos los Grupos de Artículos”;

update tabItem Group set parent_item_group = “All Item Groups” where name != “All Item Groups”;

With this script I managed to configure Woocommerce where ERP provided me with a secret key which I used to add the webhook in woocommercer for new orders, but when creating an order from woocoommerce it was not sent to ERPNEXT.

In the log of the woocommerce webhook, it shows:


Estado: HTTP 403 Forbidden: Not Permitted
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This same error is reported in: ERPNext Integration with WordPress WooCommerce - #106 by Erick_Rojas_Figueroa



Complete error response from webhook woocomerce LOG

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Cc @revant_one @gaurav

The Woocommerce Configuration module has several errors:

1.- If ERPNext is installed in another language it produces an error when saving the configuration because the code is in hard the following variables


-Group of Articles

Temporary solution for Spanish language: Correct by BD:

See Items Groups:

select name, parent, parentfield, parenttype, is_group, parenttype, idx, item_group_name, parent_item_group from `tabItem Group`;

Update for woocomerce

update `tabItem Group` set name =" All Item Groups "where name =" All Article Groups ";
update `tabItem Group` set parent_item_group =" All Item Groups "where name! =" All Item Groups ";

2.- Never validate the Token in the file, because it never validates correctly:


def order(data=None):

	if not data:

Solution for any language: Remove the “if not data:”

def order(data=None):


If it is in English it works, but if it is in another language it will show another error point 3

3.- At the moment that Woocomerce invokes the Webhook, ERPNext’s EndPoint will produce error in the following file


-In the method def order (data = None) it is assumed that the name of the company is the same as the woocomerce that the ERPnext,


company = raw_billing_data.get("company") or default_set_company.default_company

Solution, consider the Erpnext company

company = default_set_company.default_company


				"item_code": found_item.item_code,
				"item_name": found_item.item_name,
				"description": found_item.item_name,
				"uom": "Nos",

Solution for Spanish language:

				"item_code": found_item.item_code,
				"item_name": found_item.item_name,
				"description": found_item.item_name,
				"uom": "Unidad",


				"item_code": found_item.item_code,
				"item_name": found_item.item_name,
				"description": found_item.item_name,
				"uom": "Unidad",
				"qty": item.get("quantity"),
				"rate": item.get("price"),
				"warehouse": "Stores" + " - " + company_abbr

Solution for Spanish language:

				"item_code": found_item.item_code,
				"item_name": found_item.item_name,
				"description": found_item.item_name,
				"uom": "Unidad",
				"qty": item.get("quantity"),
				"rate": item.get("price"),
				"warehouse": "Tiendas" + " - " + company_abbr

For now, this little analysis so that integration can work in a language other than English.

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