Only entries in the Background Jobs are frappe.utils.global_search.sync_global_search
The only changes made to hooks were doc_events, all on_submit or on_update
The only hourly hooks I can see are erpnext.accounts.doctype.subscription.subscription.make_subscription_entry and We haven’t set up the email accounts yet, might that have something to do with it?
Nothing in the slow query log and we’re running with 6 cores and 12GB of RAM. From the github link it looks like this job is supposed to run on demand, not on a schedule, and the error logs suggest it’s constantly retrying a failed query. Is there any way to tell it to stop retrying?
I’ve increased the scheduler_interval to 600, hopefully that will work.
I’m the only user at the moment and I’m not doing anything most of the time. innodb_buffer_pool_size is 9GB, everything else is correctly configured for the resources allocated. Bench doctor said 3 workers online and none jobs, it doesn’t appear to have done anything though.
I don’t have this issue on my dev environment which is a VM on my laptop (4GB RAM, 1 processor) so I really don’t think it’s a problem with overloading the system.