Error in Access http://library.localhost:8000 using HOSTIP:8000

I am following the tutorial at Create a Site

here I can understand that frappe uses the domain name to differentiate sites

Frappe will identify which site to serve by matching the hostname of the request with the site name, so you should be able to access your site on [http://library.localhost:8000](http://library.localhost:8000/)

But I am running frappe bench on a VMS with custom hostip

when i try to access the same using http://hostip:8000

it returns

Not Found

does not exist.

but the request goes to the frappe server, as it registers a
GET HTTP/1.1 404.

how can I access this site from outside the vm ?

any pointers will be helpful.

Hi @PalashN:


bench use library.localhost
bench start

Hope this helps.

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thank you ! it worked.