Error in calculating item balance quantity

I have a strange problem when creating two stock entries in the same moment for the same item, the system can’t determine which of them is the last transaction, so when submitting a new entry after, the system may choose any one of them as the last transaction and make it’s process to calculate the quantity balance based on this transaction, which results a wrong balance. as shown below:

after transaction 5 and 6 (twin transaction) the balance should be 25 and after transaction 7 balance should be 30 not 27. is there any way to avoid this situation.


refresh the report again and refresh the services

all the process in the same stock and other thing are the same?

It seems like you’re checking a stock ledger report. When you view the report, make sure to set filters for the item and warehouse first. After that, you can check the quantity. This way, you’ll have a clearer understanding. If the warehouse isn’t selected, the quantity may seem confusing when looking at “in-out” records.

Hi everyone, thanks for your reply, I want to clarify that: there is no problem in this report and sort mechanism, its about the item final quantity balance, the system choose the wrong transaction to calculate item balance.