ERROR: india-compliance not found in frappe or erpnext

I am getting this from now.

Incompatible Frappe Version:
Please switch to version 16 of Frappe to use the current version of India Compliance.

Make sure to have frappe and india-compliance app on same branch.

@HUMENTH How can i make sure ? Please tell that also…

Hi @pm23 ,

You have to update frappe erpnext and india compliance version. Iike if you are updating erpnext and not update india compliance then it will give you a error.

Hii @Dhruvin-Bhaliya,

How to update india compliance?
Please provide documentation / command.

Run bench version and share output.

Hi @pm23 ,

Please take a git pull from india compliance version and also try to pull erpnext code and after that migrate it.
