Error Log: frappe.utils.change_log.check_for_update

{‘retry’: 0, ‘log’: <function log at 0x7fbb15f31c80>, ‘site’: u’site1.local’, ‘event’: u’weekly_long’, ‘method_name’: u’frappe.utils.change_log.check_for_update’, ‘method’: <function check_for_update at 0x7fbb15ff8758>, ‘user’: u’Administrator’, ‘kwargs’: {}, ‘async’: True, ‘job_name’: u’frappe.utils.change_log.check_for_update’}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/utils/”, line 97, in execute_job
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/utils/”, line 146, in check_for_update
instance_version = Version(apps[app][‘branch_version’].split(’ ‘)[0])
KeyError: u’branch_version’

Hello Fellows,
What does this error mean?
It is the second time I got this error in all my instances.
It occurs at exactly Mid Night (12:00 AM) once a week.
Last Sunday Mid Night I got this error. And today Sunday Midnight I got exact same error.

Running on Digitalocean Ubuntu 16.04

Installed Apps
ERPNext: v10.1.69 (master)
Frappe Framework: v10.1.59 (master)

Please help.

help anyone?

The same error… what dose mean please???

I still don’t know. Got the error again today for the third time.
at exactly midnight Sunday

Same Error.
I think it’s related to the check update of erpnext and frappe framework.
The scheduler at midnight compare the installed version with the one available to the repository.
In fact, I no longer see the login pop-up where it indicates the availability of a new version.

Same error in 2 of my instance.

I understand the error but I have a concern of it getting updated automatically and maybe cause issues.

Anyone have any detail on this Weekly check for update command?

Same error here for some weeks

{'retry': 0, 'log': <function log at 0x7ff84e0eecf8>, 'site': u'instance', 'event': u'weekly_long', 'method_name': u'frappe.utils.change_log.check_for_update', 'method': <function check_for_update at 0x7ff84e236c08>, 'user': u'Administrator', 'kwargs': {}, 'async': True, 'job_name': u'frappe.utils.change_log.check_for_update'}
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/frappe/frappe_bench/apps/frappe/frappe/utils/", line 97, in execute_job
      File "/home/frappe/frappe_bench/apps/frappe/frappe/utils/", line 146, in check_for_update
        instance_version = Version(apps[app]['branch_version'].split(' ')[0])
    KeyError: u'branch_version'

My configuration is here

Installed Apps
ERPNext: v10.1.73 (master)
Frappe Framework: v10.1.66 (master)

Hi all,

I have the same error, and it occurs every 7 days…

Any news?

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I do have the same error.

ERPNext: v10.1.76 (master)

Frappe Framework: v10.1.68 (master)

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I’ve been having the same problem. In my case, looking at code for check_for_update, I found that it cannot get the branch_version for my custom app since its working folder hasn’t been initialized as a git repo yet.

If this is the same case for you guys, you can try running the following commands:

cd ~/[your-bench-folder]/apps/[your-app]/
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "initial commit"

I have the same error throwing an error log every day. Tried @Nimrod s offer to no avail.