Error on Leave allocation: "Total leaves allocated is mandatory for Leave Type {name of leave type here}"


I needed assistance in understanding why i get this error (Total leaves allocated is mandatory for Leave Type Sick Leave) when trying to create leave allocation from the leave period.

This are the steps i have done:

  1. Created Leave Types
  2. Created Leave Leave Policy
  3. Created Leave Periods
  4. Created Employees and attached them to specific Employee Grades and defined their various leave policies.
  5. Went to Leave periods and clicked on grant leave and selected the specific employee grade i wanted to allocate leave for.
  6. I get the following error:

For that specific Sick Leave, find the its corresponding leave type configuration below:

For the employee grade leave policy configuration, find it below:

Let me know what i could be missing.

i am using the following version:

Installed Apps

ERPNext: v12.2.2 (version-12)

Frappe Framework: v12.0.20 (version-12)

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any news on this error
is it solved?

any news on this error
is it solved?