Error when creating Inventory Dimension

Having found out that I cannot use warehouses to create warehouse → area → bin number structure and use POS as the POS Profile must be linked to a single child warehouse.

Having looked around at the issue it feels like I should be able to use inventory dimensions to achieve the same thing. I’ve gone into Inventory Dimension and chosen the option to create a new one. In the Dimension Details I’ve set Dimension Name as Storage Bin and Reference Document as Storage Bin choosing to create new DocType which I’ve ticked as Custom.

I’ve create a form with a single field of type data called storage_bin_number and made it mandatory and unique and allowed it in the list view and list filter and a max length of 12.

It took me back to inventory dimension and I left the option in the Applicable For on the default of applying to al inventory documents.

However when I attempt to save it I’m getting this message:


Fetch From for field stock_uom is invalid: stock_item_code.stock_uom. Link field stock_item_code not found.

Any ideas what I need to do to resolve this?

If instead of choosing apply to all inventory dimensions I decided to check any document that mentions item in its name. I went through and applied one by one and I’ve found it fails on Asset Capitalization Stock Item:

All others mentioning name do not fail so it can be narrowed down to at least this one. I’ve now idea how to resolve though or if it is a bug given that the apply to all inventory documents should do the work itself and I’ve not touched the asset capitalization stock item DocType.

I’m just updating this to say that it has now been assessed as a valid bug just in case anyone else comes across this issue.