Error when run migration command v11 with a v10 restore

Hi There

I have a problem on site restore.
We have an erpnext v11 site backup file.
I’ve uploaded to a brand new installed v11 server and try to restore and then migrate.

I get the following message:

frappe.exceptions.ValidationError: project_name field cannot be set as unique in tabProject, as there are non-unique existing values

I see that some value cannot be set.

We have a custom client side Script.
Please let me know where to search the bug.

Thank you.

You will have to change the table (tabProject) within mysql and change/disable the “unique” part, then restore your data (and [optionally] change it back to default status afterwards)

hmm… I have checked the doctype in the old erpnext and there was a unique settings for Project name. I have removed. But the error is still there when I want to do the migrate command on the new site.