Error while installing backup

Hello Everyone,

I am getting this error while installing a backup on a fresh bench.

“Table ‘tabDefaultValue’ missing in the restored site. Database not installed correctly, this can due to lack of permission, or that the database name exists. Check your mysql root password, validity of the backup file or use --force to reinstall”

I am not understanding what is the error, guide me on it.

What is the command you are using?

I’m not sure if the command is complaining about the backup file or the destination DB.

If you navigate to your backups, check to see what’s being referenced for that table.

zless 20230927_070002-erp_domain_lan-database.sql.gz | grep tabDefaultValue

Here’s a partial output from mine.

-- Table structure for table `tabDefaultValue`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tabDefaultValue`;
CREATE TABLE `tabDefaultValue` (
-- Dumping data for table `tabDefaultValue`
LOCK TABLES `tabDefaultValue` WRITE;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `tabDefaultValue` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `tabDefaultValue` VALUES ('01de1da421','2023-01-11 03:31:49.103613','2023-01-11 03:31:49.103613'......

Since the command has “DROP TABLE IF EXISTS”, it should not matter if the destination DB does not
have this table. I suspect your backup is incomplete or corrupted.