Error while updating erpnext 12

hello I got this error trying to update erpnext 12. any help ?


What does git branch -v return if executed in the apps/frappe folder?


version-12 8d426eb961 [ahead 1, behind 32188] frappe 12.8.4

Does git pull in the same folder complete?


frappe@8d015845ca7f:~/bench/apps/frappe$ git pull
fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

What does

git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository


@smino returns true

Is this the first time an update has been tried or was it updating successfully? There are options for unshallowing and allowing unrelated histories in git pull, however I’m not sure whether they will help or hurt in this case.

@smino yes it’s the first time

If this is the first attempt to update a new version 12 installation, then the installation apparently did not complete correctly. What does bench version return?