Exchange rate not fetching


I noticed that exchange rate is no longer being fetched automatically ?
Anyone else having the same issue ?

I checked in a few systems … V14 and V15.

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Yeah me too. might have a problem but I couldn’t figure it out.

It seems only some of the conversions are failing. Ie USD to TRY work fine while TRY to USD fails.

I also see this in the error log …

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:

I’ve tried with other option.

It works for now. It has daily 100 request limit. If ERPNext caches well it won’t be a problem but it didn’t.

It’s interesting to have that problem with only 2 people in the whole Frappeverse :sunglasses:

we had this problem too.
The request is calling to dev frankfurt for some reason, but it is not reachable now.
Now we use custom method in exchange settings with correct endpoint and it is working now :wink:

Jiri Sir


Thank you for the suggestion @TurkerTunali
I have created an account with and all is well again.

It is strange indeed that Frankfurter suddenly broke because I have been using it
for some time. And also , that 2 people have flagged it.

Anyway. My system is running again.

Thank you @Jiri_Sir for your response.

So essentially you are still using Frankfurter, but with custom settings ? Am I understanding you correctly ?

IF so, would it be possible to see what you have changed in your exchange settings ?

@Jiri_Sir suggest that instead of using{transaction_date}

We need to use{transaction_date}


Aaah, thank you @TurkerTunali
If I looked more carefully I would have picked that up.

I have applied the custom settings and it seems to be functional again.

Hopefully the Devs will change the default settings.

Thank you for all the comments.

I have marked the comment from @Jiri_Sir as the solution, but the
suggestion from @TurkerTunali ( ) also worked. I tried it.


I had run into the same error and implemented the same solution as @TurkerTunali — the issue is simply that the address needs to start with https://api.fran...

May I also add that the latest release 15.38.0 that was released a few days ago,
has fixed this issue.


Really. That was fast, especially in the Frappeverse week :slight_smile:

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