Expense Claims with GST Tax Invoice - A Broken Workflow?

If you happen to have a GST Tax Invoice (India), then you would most probably like to create a Purchase Invoice to keep track and make use of the India Compliance Frappe App.

In the HR Module, the Expense Claim has the ability to put in taxes, but we lose the ability to track GST. It gets even more complicated if we are using Employee Advance DocType. Need to create multiple jugaad entries to handle this kind of event.

How are you all handling this? Are you using a separate expense claim form outside of ERPNext? Is that the only way?

Currrently, we have created a custom doctype for Expense Claims with GST, and we ask folks to fill that out to track whether payments are being made or not. The default expense claims is only used for non-GST Invoices. A Ledger called Employees is created to track the amount and a Journal Entry is made everytime payment to an employee is created. This works well in a small organizaiton, but will be chaotic if it’s anything more than 20-30 folks.

What is your solution for this? Is this an India only problem because of how GST is structured?

Found these old threads if they help:

We preferred to build a custom solution with ledger entries for this. This article may give you some insight.