Expense / Difference account (Accounts Receivable - WP) must be a 'Profit or Loss' account

Hi, I’m using the demo account to try a simple workflow. I’m stuck at the delivery note. (delivery note here: https://demo.erpnext.com/desk#Form/Delivery%20Note/DN-00114) When I try to submit I get an error stating:

“Expense / Difference account (Accounts Receivable - WP) must be a ‘Profit or Loss’ account”

This seems similar to the problem discussed here: https:// [SOLVED] Expense or Difference account is mandatory

But I checked my item master: https://demo.erpnext.com/desk#Form/Item/N216A and there doesn’t seem to be a place to enter my expense or difference account. I would add it to the company but since this is on the demo account I don’t have access.

Any have any ideas?


1.You can set default expense account in item master. It will automatically fetched in delivery note.


On “Delivery Note” form -
In Item table grid,There is field of “Expense Account”
select respective “Expense Account” and then submit Delivery Note.

Shraddha Ranjane
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Where is item master. I tried to search for it.

In stock module- Item doc type is available
-open “Item” form

  • Go to “Purchase Details” section
  • there is field “Default Expense”