Expense Module for ERPNext?

Good morning, how do I register EXPENSES by supplier using the withholding accounts that I have registered in the system, and where is the EXPENSES section in the system?

ERPNext does not have an expenses section or a doctype to enter expenses. Most users either use a purchase invoice (and I think use an item code for specific expenses and set defaults for those items to tie to their corresponding expense accounts in ERPNext). Others do a journal entry. There’s extensive information on this if you search the forum.

There have been several apps to add a doctype to enter expenses, but I’m not aware of anything that is actively maintained. That said, there was someone looking for testers a few months ago in this forum post.


@levi Regarding the expenses module that I created ([Discussion] Expenses Module For ERPNext), there was no sufficient testers that helped determining if it’s working or there are some problems…

If you are willing to test it then I will be glad and I will continue its development…

Best regards…

You don’t necessarily need an item code on Purchase Invoice. Just try by writing the Item Name, Qty and UoM. It would work. This is what we do. (Out of the box - v13 at least).

There are two ways which we use for Expenses:
Purchase Invoices with fixed items (as well as ad-hoc for non-item cases) - mostly for petty cash
Journal for bulk bank statement settlements

I installed your complete but it has many errors almost does not allow to do anything in your module.

But it would be good that they create a module of EXPENSES for the system since they focus on several developments less in the registration of expenses.

@Pato02 Bro can you please open an issue on github and provide screenshots for the errors so I can fix them…

Best regards…

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