Expense tracking

Hello there,

should we build an expense tracker like this for ERPNext?

Heres a screenshot from a tool named Lexoffice for the German market:

Users can upload a receipt (it’s automatically scanned by the way, but it shouldn’t be priority for now). On the right side they can select the creditor / supplier, input some date like the date, the due date, the invoice number, description, type of expense, and tax percentage.

Is someone working on it? I would start with the basics.

ERPNext has expenses functionality, have you checked it?


Thank you both. I know that feature, but I don’t think it’s the same thing. It is a claim and related to a Employee.

What I mean, is a expense tool, for example for self employed people, who want to upload their receipts when they buy fuel, papers, stamps, daily stuff like this.


Using the expense claim, we have the “wrong” creditor in the Accounting ledger:

When using expense claim, the creditor is always the employee, which is not really correct, to achieve what I’ve described above.

I can not find the other threads, but people were asking for this several times. If am not wrong, I think we could just copy the expense claim doctype, remove the approval process, add some more fields for providing the creditor and we have what the users (and ourselves) are asking for.

Since this would be something for the core, I just wanted to make sure, that you guys agree that it is necessary.


This would be helpful for us. We would love to have a way to enter in expenses not related to raw materials or finished good; expenses such as paper, pens, office snacks, etc.

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I just came across this post. Has this been considered?

Have you seen this: ERPNext Expenses Doctype?

Thanks I will check it out