Explorer cannot switch to desk

Hi there,
As Newbie I am trying to setup a business to follow up in ERPNEXT. It is quit a lot of work and there are tons of features. The problem I face now is that at home I am using firefox wich works great, At my friemnds place (we do the business together) with Exolorer we cannot get acces to the Desk page. We can login but we see a big “E” that’s all. I think it is something in explorer but could somebody please help us with the setting we need to change?

Many thanks!
Best Rudi

Which version of internet explorer are you using?

Current (v8) Frappe/ERPNext uses jQuery v2.2.4

Refer jQuery browser support

Hi Thanks for your reply,
My Explorer version is: 11.0.9600.18639

I truly hope you have a solution for me, many thanks in advance!