Export Data of ERPNext to ELK (Elasticsearch Logstash Kiaban)


I would like to connect my stack ELK (Elasticsearch Logstash Kiaban) with my data on my Erp Next, to make a graphic and combined data together.

Do you have an idea, how can I do that?

Edit :
I have an idea : to connect the mysql server to logstash, it’s maybe the must integration and easy method to do what I want.

Thank you.

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Logstash is the way to go, but I would recommend configuring and http_poller input channel pointing to the restfull api’s included with erpnext.
you can find some help and references in https://frappeframework.com/docs/user/en/guides/integration/rest_api and here https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/5.1/plugins-inputs-http_poller.html