Extend the contact form to include additional fields with a frappe app


i’m trying to develop a frappe app to expand the contacts (under app/contact/new-contact-1) form with two more fields.

Can some one tell me with doctype i have to expand? I can’t find the right place to hook in.:confused:

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Best Regards Max

You want to use the Customize Form workflow. The easiest way to do this is from the ellipsis icon near the save button in the Contact form.


Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

This workflow is currently my workaround.
I want to build an app so i can ship the changes via docker if i rebuild the environment and have no manual interactions.

If you are signed in as Administrator and your site is in developer mode, you can export the customizations to your app. We use this approach with a custom installer script to make sure everything is there when in use by a third party.