Hello all,
Since the table contacts does not have the same structure of contacts in google contacts which has the following fields:
- Multiple emails with Work, Home, Custom attribute
- Multiple mobile phones with country information
- Multiple Addreses with fields:
- Street
- PO Box
- Neighborhood
- City
- State / province
- Zip / Postal code
- Country / Region
- multiple Birthdays / dates
- multiple Url
- Nickname
- Title and company
- File as ( name used for sorting )
- Notes
- Relationship with other contact
- Spouse
- child
- mother
- father
- parent
- brother
- sister
- friend
- manager
- assistant
- referred by
- partner
- domestic partner
- other
- multiple IM
- multiple Internet Call
- multiple custom fields
- Contact ID
- Last update timestamp
- Contact source ( e-mail acount / user account )
- Other (…)
The multiple options mean zero to many optional relationships with other tables.
What would be the best approach to synchronize contacts with google contacts and still maintaining compatibility with future versions of contacts tables deployed with ERPNext:
- Extend the existing contact table?
- Make new ones special for the purpose and associate it with a new module?
- Other way?
Thanks in advance.