Extra price for item attribute

Hello everyone,
I’m currently testing ERPnext for my business. I found the product variants feature very handful when dealing with a large catalog of product. But, there was one problem that i am unable to find solutions. It is setting the extra price for each item attribute. For example, if i have Product template A with base price 100$ and attribute 001,002. I charge 20$ for attribute 001, 30$ for attribute 002. Then my price list should be:
A-001 - 120$
A-002 - 130$
I understand that I can manually set the price for each variant item but this will require salespersons to manually calculate price each time a product is created (which is a lot for my industry). So is there any solution to my problems?

Thanks for answer,

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Please refer to Pricing Rule feature whether it can fulfill your requirement…

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seems ODOO has this feature already, let me try to come out at least a workaround solution.

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