Facing unmet Dependency error

What version of Frappe are you using? What operating system are you using? What type of installation? What version of Node are you using?

1.Operating System 22.04 LTS Jammy

2.node v16.20.2

3.npm v8.19.4

Frappe version?

If you are using Frappe v15, you’ll want to upgrade Node, otherwise 16.20.2 should be okay for frappe v14.

nvm install 18.19.0

Frappe version 14

You are providing very little info.

What led up to this?
Have you already installed frappe-bench?
Is this a new installation?
Was it ever working?
Are you following a tutorial (if so provide link)?
Providing more info is better than just a screenshot.

So it’s a new installation we are trying to install this ERP next on our Ubuntu vps using ssh,
So at first we faced this error and decided to downgrade from Ubuntu version 22.04 to 20.04 as we were having a challenge on installing npm after everything running everything,
Then when we downgraded the server we try using the docker option and faced the same issue, and also on automated issue it’s also providing the same issue, so we then decide to do it stage by stage and it fails on highlighted stage

Now using node v16.20.2 (npm v8.19.4) Creating default alias: default → 16 (-> v16.20.2) E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. An error occurred on line 322 with exit status 0

I also faced this error

@archlovea , For Version 14, please run below command.

sudo apt install curl
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash
source ~/.profile
nvm install 18.16.1
nvm use 18.16.1


Ok trying now