Failed during setup new-site

I just setup new-site and giving this error
I already update my instance to latest one but still, this error is not fixed
Any one have an idea why this happens?

Best Regards,
Jigar Tarpara

Are there other sites on same bench folder ? :slight_smile:

  1. It can be issues with helper tables in multi-tenant
  2. You have reinstalled with different version of frappe

Is it fresh install or you are reinstalling again ?


Parth Joshi

Are there other sites on same bench folder?
→ Yes and It’s working good

It can be issues with helper tables in multi-tenant
→ What is the possible solution for it

You have reinstalled with the different version of frappe
→ Latest version should fix this issue I think

Is it fresh install or you are reinstalling again ?
→ I tryied both new-site and also reinstall existing site

After again update today
it’s working fine now
Thank you
@joshiparthin for replay